

办公电话: 68775721



亚英体育 计算机科学系 网络研究所 副教授 (硕导)

  • 姓名:龚奕利

  • 主页:

  • 性别:

  • 职称:副教授 (硕导)

  • 学历学位:博士

  • 电话:68775721

  • 办公地点:

  • E-mail:yiligong ▇ gmail.com 请手工替换符号

  • 领域:并行分布计算,高性能计算,云存储技术,云计算与大数据处理

  • 招生信息:2018年度招收硕士0名,招收方向:...请选择...。 招收博士0名,招收方向:...请选择...。




2006年至2007年在印第安纳大学Geoffrey Fox教授的Community Grids Lab从事博士后研究工作,主要方向为网格中的工作流调度和管理。


2006-2007,美国Indiana大学Community Grids Lab博士后。





24. Yili Gong, Jia Tang, Wenhai Li. Massive Spatial Query on the Kepler Architecture. In proceedings of the 28th Annual IEEE International Conference on Application-specific Systems, Architectures and Processors (ASAP'17), July 10-12, 2017, Seattle, WA, USA.

23. Yili Gong, Chuang Hu, Wentao Ma, Wenjie Wang. CC-Paxos: Integrating Consistency and Reliability in Wide-Area Storage Systems. In proceedings of the 22nd IEEE International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems (ICPADS'16), Dec. 13-16, 2016, Wuhan, China.

22. Yili Gong, Chuang Hu, Yanyan Xu, Wenjie Wang. A Distributed File System with Variable Sized Objects for Enhanced Random Writes. Computer Journal, v 59, n 10, p 1536-1550, October 1, 2016.

21. Yili Gong, Wei Huang, Wenjie Wang, Yingchun Lei. A Survey on Software Defined Networking and its Applications. Frontiers of Computer Science, Vol. 9, Issue (6), pp 827-845, Nov. 2015.

20. Yili Gong, Yanyan Xu, Yingchun Lei, Wenjie Wang. VarFS: a Variable-sized Objects based Distributed File System. In Proceedings of 17th IEEE International Conferences on High Performance Computing and Communications (HPCC'15), August 24-26, 2015, New York.

19. Ling Gai, Kai Guo, Yili Gong.Multiple VM images based on data separation and merging with fine granularity (in Chinese). Journal of Computing Applications, Vol. 31, Iusse 8, pp.2383-2386, August 2014.

18. Kai Guo, Wentao Zhao, Yingchun Lei, Yili Gong. I/O Scheduling for Solid State Devices in Virtual Machines. In proceedings of IEEE Cluster 2013 (Cluster'13), Sept. 23-27, 2013, Indianapolis, IN, USA.

17. Kai Feng, Wentao Ma, Wei Huang, Yili Gong. Speeding up Galois Field Arithmetic on Intel MIC Architecture. In proceedings of the 10th IFIP International Conference on Network and Parallel Computing (NPC'13), Sept. 19-21, 2013, Guiyang, China.

16. Lian Liu, Biao Zheng, Yili Gong. Metadata Processing Optimization in Distributed File Systems. Journal of Computing Applications, Vol.32, No.12, pp.3271-3273, Dec. 2012.

15. Jin Liu, Chuang Hu, Ming Hu, Yili Gong. File Prefetching with Multiple Prefetching Points in Multithreading Environment. Journal of Computing Applications, Vol.32, No.6, pp.1713-1716, June 2012.

14. Yingchun Lei, Litang Yang, Yili Gong, Wenjie Wang. ShareStorm: a High-Performance and ISP-Friendly P2P Content Distribution Protocol. In Proceedings of International Conference on Parallel Processing (ICPP 2011), September 13-16, 2011, Taipei, Taiwan.

13. Yili Gong, Wenjie Wang, Chi Harold Liu. Efficient Prioritized Congestion Management for Social Network Based Live Sharing. In Proceedings of IEEE M2MCN 2011 (in conjuction with IEEE INFOCOM 2011), April 15, 2011, Shanghai, China.

12. Yili Gong, Yingchun Lei, Wen Zhang, Chanle Wu, Guo’an Zhang. MEANS: a Micro-thrEad Architecture for Network Server (in Chinese). Journal of Computer Research and Development. Vol.47(8), 1466-1480, Aug. 2010.

11. Yili Gong, Marlon E. Pierce, and Geoffrey C. Fox. Dynamic Resource-Critical Workflow Rescheduling in Grids. In Proceedings of 14th Workshop on Job Scheduling Strategies for Parallel Processing (JSSPP 2009)(in conjunction with IPDPS 2009), May 29, 2009, Rome, Italy.

10. Yingchun Lei, Shi Cheng, Chanle Wu, Yili Gong and Qing Kang. P2P Content Distribution With Network Coding (in Chinese). Journal of Computer Research and Development.Vol. 46(1), 108-119, 2009.

9. Yingchun Lei, Litang Yang, Qi Jiang, Yili Gong and Jun Zhang. Measurement and Analysis of BitTorrent. Journal of Computer Research and Development. Vol. 45(9), 1589-1600, 2008.

8. Yili Gong, Yingchun Lei and Huying Zhang. Scientific Workflow Matchmaking in Grids(in Chinese). Journal of Computer Research and Development. Vol. 45, June 2008, 176-183.

7. Yili Gong, Marlon E. Pierce and Geoffrey C. Fox. Matchmaking Scientific Workflows in Grid Environments. PDCS’07.

6. Yili Gong, Yongqiang Xiong, Qian Zhang, Zhensheng Zhang, Wenjie Wang and Zhiwei Xu. Anycast Routing in Delay Tolerant Networks. IEEE Globecom’06, San Francisco, CA, USA, Nov. 27-Dec. 1, 2006.

5. Yili Gong, Wei Li and Yuzhong Sun. Research on Resource Discovery in Grid Environments(In Chinese). Computer Engineering, Vol. 32, No. 17, Sept. 2006, pp. 162-164.

4. Yili Gong, Wei Li, Yuzhong Sun and Zhiwei Xu. A C/S and P2P Hybrid Resource Discovery Framework in Grid Environments. In Proceedings of the 2005 International Conference on Parallel Processing (ICPP’05), Oslo, Norway, June 14-17, 2005.

3. Fangpeng Dong, Yili Gong, Wei Li, and Zha Li. Research on Resource Discovery Mechanisms in Grids(in Chinese), Journal of Computer Research and Development, Vol. 40, No. 12, Dec. 2003, pp. 1749-1755.

2. Yingchun Lei, Yili Gong, Song Zhang, Guojie Li. Research on scheduling algorithms in Web cluster servers. Journal of Computer Science & Technology, vol. 18, No.6, Nov 2003, pp.703-716.

1. Yili Gong, Fangpeng Dong, Wei Li, Zhiwei Xu. VEGA Infrastructure for Resource Discovery in Grids. Journal of Computer Science & Technology, vol. 18, No.4, July 2003, pp.413-422.







