
E-mail:cwang@ whu.edu.cn

办公电话: 68776056



亚英体育 软件工程系 智能化软件与服务研究所 讲师


  • 姓名:王翀

  • 主页:

  • 性别:

  • 职称:讲师

  • 学历学位:博士

  • 电话:68776056

  • 办公地点:E308

  • E-mail:cwang ▇ whu.edu.cn 请手工替换符号

  • 领域:面向服务的软件工程,软件工程,需求工程

  • 招生信息:年度招收硕士0名,招收方向:。 招收博士0名,招收方向:。


软件工程:面向服务的软件工程(Service-Oriented Software Engineering)、需求工程(Requirements Engineering)、经验软件工程(Empirical Software Engineering)


  • 2005.09 ~ 2008.06 武汉大学计算机软件与理论专业,工学博士

  • 2002.09 ~ 2004.06 武汉大学计算机软件与理论专业,工学硕士

  • 1998.09 ~ 2002.06 武汉大学计算机科学与技术专业,工学学士


  • 2016.09 ~ 2017.09 荷兰University of Twente,访问学者

  • 2014.01 ~ 2014.02 英国伯恩茅斯大学,访问学者

  • 2008.12 ~ 至今 亚英体育,讲师

  • 2008.07 ~ 2008.11 武汉大学软件工程国家重点实验室,助教







[1] Chong Wang, Ju Li, Peng Liang, Maya Daneva, Marten van Sinderen. 2019. Developers’ Eyes on the Changes of Apps: An Exploratory Study on App Changelogs.  In Proc. of the 3rd International Workshop on Crowd-Based Requirements Engineering at the 27th International Requirements Engineering Conference (CrowdRE@RE), Jeju, Korea, September 22-23, 2019, IEEE

[2] Chong Wang, Maya Daneva, Marten van Sinderen, Peng Liang. 2019. A Systematic Mapping Study on Crowdsourced Requirements Engineering Using User Feedback. Journal of Software: Evolution and Process. (to appear) (CCF B, IF=1.305)

[3] Chong Wang, Tao Wang, Peng Liang, Maya Daneva, Marten van Sinderen. 2019. Augmenting App Reviews with App Changelogs: An Approach for App Reviews Classification. In Proc. of the 31st International Conference on Software Engineering & Knowledge Engineering (SEKE 2019), Lisbon, Portugal, July 10-12, IEEE, pp. 398-512. (CCF C)

[4] Maya Daneva, Andrea Herrmann, Nelly Condori-Fernández, Chong Wang. 2019. Understanding the Most In-demand Soft Skills in Requirements Engineering Practice: Insights from Two Focus Groups. In Proc. of the Evaluation and Assessment on Software Engineering (EASE 2019), Copenhagen, Denmark, April 15-17, 2019, ACM, pp.284-290.

[5] Chong Wang, Pengwei Cui, Maya, Daneva, Mohamad Kassab. 2018. Understanding What Industry Wants from Requirements Engineers: an Exploration of RE Jobs in Canada. In Proc. of 12th International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement (ESEM’18). ACM, Oulu, Finland, 41:1-41:10.

[6] Chong Wang, Fan Zhang, Peng Liang, Maya Daneva, Marten van Sinderen. 2018. Can App Changelogs Improve Requirements Classification from App Reviews? An Exploratory Study. In Proc. of 12th International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement (ESEM’18). ACM, Oulu, Finland, 43:1-43:4.

[7] Maya Daneva, Chong Wang. 2018. Security Requirements Engineering in the Agile Era: How Does it Work in Practice? In Proc. of the 1st IEEE International Workshop on Quality Requirements in Agile Projects, QuaRAP@RE, Banff, AB, Canada, pp. 10-13.

[8] Zaiwen Feng, Chen Wang, Yi Zhao, Chong Wang, Dickson K. W. Chiu, Keqing He. 2018. An approach for business process model registration based on ISO/IEC 19763-5. Service Oriented Computing and Applications (SOCA), 12(3-4): 349-370. (CCF C)

[9] Yi Zhao, Chong Wang*, Jian Wang, Keqing He. 2018. Incorporating LDA with Word Embedding for Web Service Clustering. International Journal of Web Services Research (IJWSR), 15(4): 29-44. (IF=0.667)

[10] Maya Daneva, Chong Wang#, Andrea Herrmann, Nelly Condori-Fernández. 2018. Understanding the Soft Skills that Industry Wants from Requirements Engineers: a Focus Group Study. In the Proc. of Joint Proceedings of REFSQ-2018 Workshops, Doctoral Symposium, Live Studies Track, and Poster Track co-located with the 23rd International Conference on Requirements Engineering: Foundation for Software Quality (REFSQ 2018), Utrecht, The Netherlands, March 19, 2018. CEUR Workshop Proceedings 2075.

[11] 王翀,何克清,王健,冯在文,何扬帆,何非.  2018. 化解“信息孤岛”危机的软件模型按需服务互操作技术. 计算机学报, 41(6): 1314-1331.

[12] Maya Daneva, Chong Wang#, Patrick Hoener. 2017. What the Job Market Wants from Requirements Engineers? An Empirical Analysis of Online Job Ads from the Netherlands. In Proc. of the 11th International Symposium On Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement (ESEM), IEEE, November 9-10, Toronto, Canada, pp. 448-453.

[13] Evenynke Terpstra, Maya Daneva, Chong Wang. 2017. Agile Practitioners’ Understanding of Security Requirements: Insights from a Grounded Theory Analysis. In Proc. of 2nd International Workshop on Just-In-Time Requirements Engineering: Dealing with Non-Functional Requirements in Agile Software Development (JITRE) at the 25th International Requirements Engineering Conference (RE), IEEE, September 4-8, 2017, Lisbon, Portugal, pp. 439-442.

[14] Chong Wang*, Zhong Luo, Luxin Lin, Maya Daneva. 2017. How to Reduce Software Development Cost with Personnel Assignment Optimization: Exemplary Improvement on the Hungarian Algorithm. In Proc. of the 21st Edition of Evaluation and Assessment in Software Engineering Conference (EASE), ACM, Karlskrona, Sweden, June 15-16, 2017, pp. 270-279. (CCF C)

[15] Jian Wang, Zejin Zhu, Junju Liu, Chong Wang*, Youwei Xu. 2017. An Approach of Role Updating in Context-Aware Role Mining.  International Journal of Web Services Research. 14(2):24-44.  (IF=0.667)

[16] Xiuwei Zhang, Chong Wang*, Jian Wang, Jianxiao Liu, Gang Tian, and Keqing He. 2015. Personalized Service Recommendation Based on Pseudo Ratings by Merging Time and Tag Preference[J]. International Journal of Services Computing, 3(3):17-40.

[17] Chong Wang, Zhong Luo, Xiuwei Zhang, Keqing He, Xu Chen. 2015. An Approach to Business Process Registration for Enterprise Collaboration: Using BPEL as an Example[J]. International Journal of Business Process Integration and Management, 7(3):181-196

[18]Xiuwei Zhang, Keqing He, Jian Wang, Chong Wang*. 2014. Web Service Recommendation Based on Watchlist via Temporal and Tag Preference Fusion[C]. In Proc. Of the 21st IEEE International Conference on Web Services(ICWS), IEEE CS, Anchorage, USA, pp.281-288. (EI)

[19] Jingwei Cheng, Chong Wang*, Keqing He, Jinxu Jia, and Peng Liang. 2012. Mappings from BPEL to PMR for Business Process Registration[C]. In Proc. Of the 13th IFIP Working Conference on VIRTUAL ENTERPRISES, Springer, Bournemouth, UK. pp.207-214. (ISI, IDS number: BFR70)

[20] Chong Wang, Lai Xu, Paul de Vrieze, Peng Liang. 2011. Process Modeling for Internet Scale Virtual Enterprise Collaborations[C]. In Proc. of the 12th IFIP Working Conference on VIRTUAL ENTERPRISES, Springer, São Paulo, Brazil. pp.325-332.

[21] Chong Wang, Keqing He, Wen Zhu, Zaiwen Feng, Yuan Yan, Wenxing Yan. 2010. Personalized Reuse of Business Process through the Metamodel for Process Model Registration[C]. In Proc. of The 4th International Workshop on Personalization in Grid, Service and Cloud Computing(PGSC 2010) at The 9th International Conference on Grid and Cloud Computing(GCC 2010), IEEE Computer Society, Nanjing, China. pp.438-443.

[22] Chong Wang, Chi Zhang, Keqing He, et al. An Approach to Customizing Requirements Goal Model based on Metamodel for Ontology Registration. In Proc. of Australia Ontology Workshop, 2009.

[23] Chong Wang, Keqing He, Yangfan He, Jian Wang. Using MPMR to Support Developing Web Service Applications for Enterprises [A]. In Proc. Of Interoperability for Enterprise Software & Applications (I-ESA 2009)[C], IEEE Computer Society, 2009, Beijing, China. pp. 336-342.

[24] 王翀,何克清,马于涛,何扬帆. 一种支持语义互操作的过程模型注册元模型[J]. 华中科技大学学报(自然科学版), 2008, 36(1):55-58.

[25] Chong Wang, Keqing He. Extending Metamodel Framework for Interoperability (MFI) to Register Networked Process Models [J]. DYNAMICS OF CONTINUOUS DISCRETE AND IMPULSIVE SYSTEMS-SERIES B-APPLICATIONS & ALGORITHMS, Watam Press, Waterloo, 2007, 14(S6):72-78.

[26] Chong Wang, Keqing He, Yangfan He. MFI4Onto: Towards Ontology Registration on the Semantic Web [A]. In Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Computer and Information Technology (CIT 2006) [C], Seoul, 2006, p.40.

[27] Chong Wang, Keqing He, Yangfan He, Wei Qian. Mappings from OWL-s to UML for semantic web services [A]. In Proceedings of International Conference on Research and Practical Issues of Enterprise Information Systems (CONFENIS 2006) [C], Vienna, 2006, pp. 397-406.

[28] 王翀,何克清,刘进. 基于OWL元模型的本体建模研究[J], 武汉大学学报理学版2004, 50(5):.581-585.




ISO国际标准,“ISO/IEC JTC1 SC32 19763-5 Metamodel for process model registration”,2015年正式发布,第二编辑人

ISO国际标准,“ISO/IEC JTC1 SC32 19763-7 Metamodel for service model registration”,2015年正式发布,主要参与

ISO国际标准,“ISO/IEC JTC1 SC32 19763-8 Metamodel for role and goal model registration”,2015年正式发布,主要参与

ISO国际标准,“ISO/IEC JTC1 SC32 19763-9 On-demand model selection”,2015年正式发布,主要参与



973 计划前期研究专项, “网络式软件需求获取与演化建模的研究”(No.2006CB708302),2006-2007,主要参与;

ISO国际标准,“ISO/IEC JTC1 SC32 19763-3 Metamodel for Ontology Registration”(No.,2007年正式发布,主要参与

ISO国际标准,“ISO/IEC JTC1 SC32 19763-3 Metamodel for Ontology Registration ” (No.,已正式发布,主要参与;

十五国家重大科技专项-重要技术标准研究-我国优势技术国际标准研究制定,“信息技术-元模型互操作性框架-3:本体注册元模型” (No.2002BA906A21-25),2005-2008,主要参与;



发明人:王翀,张秀伟,马于涛,何非,何克清. 专利名称:一种支持跨企业协作的业务过程注册方法,专利号:ZL201410265455.6, 授权日期:2015.02



2015 湖北省科技进步一等奖,排名12

2014 中国计算机学会科技进步一等奖,排名12

2011 湖北省科技进步一等奖,排名5

2010 湖北省标准创新贡献一等奖,排名4

2010 中国电子学会电子信息科学技术二等奖,排名6

2007 IBM巾帼奖学金,排名1
